... but where do you park the caravan?

The story of Camping starts as early as 1994. Anders G. plays his first round of minigolf. Fast forward to 2015, now with a silver medal in the junior European Championship, a silver in the Nordic Championship and gold in a few Norwegian Championsips under his belt, Anders decides to quit his marketing job to open a minigolf bar.

Anders quickly realizes it would be a good idea to have someone with some experience in the hospitality-world, so then a minigolf nerd joins forces with some nightlife nerds, and in 2016 they open:

Oslo Camping – make minigolf great again!

Get a grip and change your name. Assholes*

It’s called Camping because that’s where we have memories of playing minigolf. But what was intended as a funny name has created quite a lot of confusion. Every year all the Camping locations are visited by tourists looking for a place to stay the night. We would like to preemptively apologize to all future tourists for our name ☺

Camping is now a part of NoHo Norway and operational in Norway, SwedenDenmark and Finland.

*Loosely translated Norwegian review.

The Camping bar is always open. That's is also where you rent all the necessary equipment for playing minigolf.

Lasergolf: Lanes without a hole. Instead the start and end of the game is projected onto the grass when playing. 

No showers, no tents, no parking – minigolf und bar only. :)